Lose weight and keep it off with behavioural science.

Reduce the information overwhelm 

We live in an age where a wealth of information regarding nutrition, diet, and exercise is at our fingertips. The problem is, the information is often conflicting, and it can be difficult to sort the science from the nonsense.

We've done the research for you and are ready to provide a simple plan based on your unique health goals and needs. 

We'll take the guess-work out of food and exercise by breaking the process down into simple, fundamental rules that are easy to understand and follow.

Tailor-made, step by step plans, done for you.

If your plan isn't working, or you don't know where to start, no problem. We provide you with a structured, step-by-step strategy (including habit-building, meal plans, and exercise plan) to take you from frustration to success with minimal effort and discomfort. 

Our behavioural therapist will take care of the habit-building, and our doctor will make sure the plan is viable based on your individual health needs. 


Pleasure-focused weight-loss.


We'll work together to identify ways to increase the pleasure, and decrease the discomfort involved in change. 

We'll find exercise and foods you actually enjoy, and design a lifestyle that still incorporates the food and activities you love

Addressing your relationship with food.


 Eating behaviours can be some of the most difficult to change (without the right strategies and information). Despite the many benefits of our modern lifestyle, it can also make things difficult for our brains (which are, in may ways, struggling to catch up). 

Our brains are designed to encourage us to eat as much calorie-dense food as possible. Our brains evolved during a time when access to fat and sugar was scarce, so we are wired to eat as much of it as we can whenever the opportunity arises. These days, we can access these foods whenever we wish, but our brains don't know this. 

In addition, our brains are wired to acquire reward using methods which expend the least possible amount of effort. This means that low-effort sources of reward (for example, eating, and playing with our phones) can quickly become addictive. 

We'll help you to change your relationship with food so that you can enjoy them guilt-free when you really want to (rather than feeling compelled to eat even when you're trying not to). 

Balancing rapid progress with sustainability

We absolutely understand how motivating it can be to start seeing progress on the scales (and how frustrating it can be to be working hard without seeing change), so of course we want to have you see real progress as quickly as we can.

However, we are also very aware of the tendency for rapid-loss programs to cause rebound effects (we lose a heap of weight, but by this stage our brains are completely overwhelmed with discomfort, resulting in a rapid return to square one on the scales at the end of the program). 

For this reason, we work carefully to balance the speed of progress with the risk of cognitive overload for your brain. We try to focus on what you'd like to weight in a year or two, rather than only what you'd like to weigh in 8 or 12 weeks. We'll walk you through the risks and benefits of various approaches, and pick the one that's right for you.

Heal your body image

For many of our clients, their dissatisfaction with their weight is influenced as much by psychological and social factors as it is by actual physical appearance. 

Throughout our lives we are exposed to countless messages (through media and interactions with others) about how we should look, and how it affects our worth as a person if we don't measure up. 

Our brains can, over time, become hyper-fixated on perceived flaws in our physical appearance, meaning we can end up with distorted views of our bodies, or disproportionately inflate the importance of perceived flaws.

We think we will be happy once we lose a certain amount of weight, only to find ourselves fixated on a new 'flaw' once we reach our goal. 

For this reason, it is often important to address body image internally as well as externally.