Improve your mental health with a sustainable lifestyle and self-care habits

You actually deserve to feel better than "fine".



So many of our clients describe a state of chronic stress and burnout. They know they need to take better care of themselves and finally 'get their ducks in a row' with regard to self-care, but there just never seems to be enough time. 

Although our schedules are arguable bordering on the brink of insanity these days, the bigger issue tends to be difficulty with prioritising ourselves. Self-care feels like a luxury rather than a non-negotiable, and we feel guilty any time we set time aside to do something just for us.

Creating routines (and a lifestyle) that brings you joy.


Self-care should not be a chore.

If we want to sustain new behaviours, we need to make room for them in our lifestyle. This means building pleasure-based daily routines which prompt the brain to initiate healthy behaviours.

We'll work together to build a lifestyle that incorporates the necessary habits to sustain good mental and physical health, as well as the high level of pleasure necessary for the brain to stick to them.

What's involved?


Goal setting:  Developing a clear understanding of your ideal lifestyle (including balancing joy with health)

Step-wise goals: We'll help you move from your current lifestyle to your ideal one slowly and sustainably

Utilising pleasure: increasing the sources of pleasure available to our brains to make change more comfortable, and more enjoyable

Routine chaining: generally we start with building one or two pleasurable micro-habits, then 'chaining' other behaviours in the goal routine to these foundational habits over time.

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