Amy Bourke, BA (hons) Psych

Behaviour Modification Therapist + Accountability Coach


Amy is an experienced counsellor and behaviour modification therapist with a special interest in habit change for physical and mental health. In addition to her years of experience as a counsellor and behavioural therapist in a variety of settings, Amy also worked as a lecturer at both Griffith College and Griffith University, where she developed and taught courses in human behaviour and research methods to practitioners in training.

Driven by a passion to bring a scientific approach to lifestyle modification and habit formation, Amy recognises the limitations of conventional weight-loss + healthcare advice, which often boils down to urging individuals to "try harder." She understands that sustainable behaviour change requires more than mere willpowerā€”it necessitates a comprehensive understanding of the underlying neurological processes governing habit formation.

Amy's approach is grounded in evidence-based principles, as she develops pragmatic protocols tailored to each client's unique needs. By elucidating the objective processes governing habit formation in the human brain, she empowers individuals to cultivate lasting lifestyle changes. Through her guidance, clients not only adopt healthier behaviours but also acquire the tools and discipline needed to maintain them over the long term.

Dr Dan Caruana, MBBS (Medicine + Surgery), BA MedSci (Pharmacology and Toxicology)

Nutritional/physical training advisor


Dr Caruana provides nutrition + exercise advice for our ongoing accountability clients. With a focus on long-term health and sustainability, Dan ensures the plans we provide cater to your health (as well as your aesthetic goals).

During his tenure in emergency medicine, where he bore witness to the relentless progression ofĀ preventable lifestyleĀ diseases and their devastating late-stage consequences, Dr Caruana developed a deep passion for preventative health-care, and recognised the importance of supporting patients through healthy lifestyle change.

Dr Caruana recognises critical gaps in the approach to weight-loss and lifestyle change within our healthcare system, with patients receiving judgemental, incomplete, outdated, or incorrect advice with regard to weight-loss and lifestyle change. He therefore places a strong emphasis on non-judgement, as well as the provision of behavioural (in addition to nutritional) advice and support.

In addition to his work with Habit Seed, Dr Caruana also works within his own private practice, focusing on longevity and preventative medicine.

Dr Caruana is dedicated to empowering individuals to take control of their health and unlock the potential for a longer, healthier life.