Stop trying to go it alone. We'll keep you on track.

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Life is busy, and it's just too easy to fall off track.


There are so many events and demands competing for our attention each week that it can be hard to stay focused on a goal. 

The human brain has a limited capacity for attention and information processing, so it can only attend to so much information and competing demands each week. So it's natural to get distracted from our goals and drift farther and farther off course.

Working with an accountability coach means there's someone who notices if you're drifting off course. They'll check in frequently to keep you on track (and find a solution if you're not). We'll help to keep your health goals at the top of your brain's news feed and priority list.

What's involved?


Regular check ins:  Via phone, email, Facebook, Whatsapp, or Instagram, or a combination (whatever you're most comfortable with). We encourage you to check in regularly, and we'll chase you up if you don't.

Share your daily progress via our app: Once you're ready to start making changes to your eating and exercise habits, we encourage you to connect via our app where we can assign you a personalised fitness plan.

You can log your workouts, meal photos, and other progress metrics there.

We check in daily to see how you're going, and get you back on track.

Problem-solving and analysis: When you fall off the wagon, we focus on identifying the why, and finding a solution.

Support when you need it: We'll work with you to identify when you need a challenge to get back on track, and when you need some moral support instead.

What is it like? Is an accountability coach pushy or gentle?


Accountability coaching is about finding a healthy balance along the continuum from excuses at one end, to self-blame and shame at the other. 

Most of us have found ourselves at both ends of this continuum at one time or another. We've made excuses to justify bad decisions, and we've also beat ourselves up well beyond the realm of useful self-honesty.

We're here to help you find a happy medium. In a sense, accountability (whether it comes from us, or yourself) is a bit like parenting; sometimes we need to make unpopular calls when it's in your best interest, but the goal is never to make you feel bad about yourself.


How much does it cost

We offer ongoing accountability for $99 AUD ($65 USD) per week.

This includes:

  • 1 behavioural analysis session per fortnight (goal-setting, habit-change program development and adjustments)
  •  A minimum of 1 written check-in per day (some clients need more than one check in, and there is no extra charge for this) via text, email, messenger etc
  • A minimum of 1 x 10min  phone call (or Zoom etc) per week. These can be used for strategy development, or general support