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Meet our behavioural therapist and counsellor.

Meet Amy.


we're passionate about reducing the self-criticism and shame often associated with the difficulties our clients face. We take a client-centred, non-judgemental approach to cut through the self-judgement and find the best solution in light of your unique goals and needs.  



Online Counselling

Shameless Behaviour is an online counselling service where you can get help with a range of concerns in the privacy of your own home.Ā You can click here to learn more about how online counselling works.Ā Please note, this is an online-only service (we do not offer in-office sessions).

Counselling from the comfort of home

Sessions are conducted via Zoom (or another video meeting platform of your choice). We can see and talk to one another just as we would in a physical office.Ā 

Clients seek counselling for a range of concerns including but not limited to:

  • Struggles with self-worth and self-esteem
  • Coping with difficult life events
  • Dealing with relationship issues
  • Healing after a relationship ends
  • Coping with stress and anxiety
  • Understanding and coping with low mood and burnout

Behavioural ModificationĀ 

In addition to counselling, we also specialise inĀ adultĀ 'behaviour modification therapy', which focuses on understanding how our reflexive or habitual ways of responding to the world around us influence the way we think, feel, and behave. Although it is certainly useful to explore why we think or feel a particular way, that doesn't necessarily translate into change. Behaviour modification focuses on the automated processes your brain uses to learn, and working with, rather than against, these natural processes to encourage change. We place a large emphasis on making change enjoyable, because your brain relies on pleasure to learn.Ā You can learn more about behaviour modification therapy here.Ā 

Clients engage in behavioural modification therapy for a range of reasons including but not limited to:

  • Adopting a physically healthier lifestyle (improving eating and exercise habits)
  • Adopting better self-care habits
  • Building resilience and reducing fear of failure
  • Building more effective study, business, or work habits
  • Assistance with goal achievement and self-discipline