Are you up for the 21 Day Grateful Brain Challenge?

The challenge begins on January 2nd 2022.

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In this online challenge you will learn

  • 21 fun and easy ways to practice gratitude
  • Why the brain can sometimes be resistant to gratitude
  • How to work with, rather than against your brain, to combat processes such as the negativity bias and hedonic adaption and help your brain to attend to positive information more easily
  • (Don't worry, you'll learn what these things are as well)
  • How to use gratitude to cultivate positive emotions and wellbeing
  • Balanced ways to approach gratitude when things aren't going so well
  • We'll cover topics such as gratitude for people, objects and belongings, challenging situations, the self, and much more


Fun and easy daily challenges

Each day you'll get a new challenge, consisting of a short introductory video explaining the rationale behind the challenge, and a new guided gratitude exercise. 

Worksheets and templates

Every challenge comes with a ready-to-go template you can fill-in online or print. All exercises can also be completed without these templates if you prefer. 

Access to a supportive community

You'll also get access to our private Facebook group where you can ask questions, share your experiences, and help each other to stay motivated. 

Ready to take the challenge?

Click the button below to view prices or enrol in the challenge.

Pricing options

Key benefits from this challenge

  • A structured challenge makes it easier to commit to and stick to your practice
  • Explore a varied range of gratitude practices and identify which work best for your brain
  • Learn to interrupt negative mood and thought cycles
  • Create positive mental habits and teach your brain to cultivate positive emotions more easily and more frequently
  •  Help your brain to adopt a longer-term gratitude practice once the challenge is over
  • Access to an online community makes it easier to stay engaged, and get help if you need it


Ready to build a happier brain?

Start 2022 with gratitude and set the tone for a happier year.

Get started