Habit change, weight loss, self-care, health counselling, and accountability coaching.


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Online sessions mean face-to-face assistance from the comfort of home.

When we understand the behavioural science, the idea that we 'just aren't trying hard enough', just doesn't make sense anymore.

Hundreds of clients are already enjoying a fresh start

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Your first session is free. If you feel we're a good fit, we can talk paid options from there. Prices range from $30 - $99 p/w, depending on your needs.

Attend your session via Zoom

Exactly the same as an 'in office' session (without the commute, traffic, or parking).

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Ongoing accountability using the methods that work best for you.

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Lose weight sustainably using pleasure (not pain) to build healthier habits. 

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Understand and improve your relationship with food.

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Contrary to popular belief, we need to increase pleasure (not suffering) to build discipline.

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Sometimes body satisfaction is more about internal than external work. 

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Learn to implement long-term self-care routines and habits to manage your mental health.

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Build effective routines to manage your priorities and keep your habits on track.

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Are shame and self-blame preventing you from making progress?

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I can almost guarantee that the health or weight management strategies you've already tried have left you feeling frustrated and hopeless.


'All or nothing' programs, which encourage you to completely change your diet and exercise regimes overnight, run completely counter to what we know about what the brain requires to stick to something long enough to form new habits and create sustainable change. Whilst we might see some temporary success, these programs inevitably lead to 'decision fatigue', burnout, and relapse. Unfortunately, although they've been given a faulty strategy, most people think the problem is them. When the program inevitably fails, we are the ones left holding the blame, feeling as though we're flawed, lazy, or hopeless.

Whilst get-fit-quick scams (lose 10kg of belly-fat in 6 weeks etc) sell really well, they just don't work. These approaches are unscientific and prey on our anxieties (and our human wish to get what we want as fast as possible) to sell us hope. 

The same can be said of self-care programs that ask us to go from zero to everyday overnight (whether that be yoga, establishing a routine, studying, or practicing mindfulness). These programs do not make sense in light of how the human brain learns and adopts new habits, and inevitably leads to burnout.

Drastic change is absolutely possible, but we need the correct techniques in order to work with (rather than against) the inbuilt processes of the brain.

Goal setting and self-care

Whatever your goal (from reading more to better self-care), we can help you set more effective goals and provide you with the tools and strategies to get you from where you are now, to where you want to be.

Accountability coaching

Feel like you'd need someone looking over your shoulder and policing you full-time to get on top of your health? Yes, that does actually exist. We'll be there every single day to check in and support you, every step of the way.

Sustainable meal + training plans

We provide custom meal plans and training plans which meet you where you're at and progress as you do. We emphasise gradual, sustainable change.

Health and body counselling 

Feeling good within ourselves again means doing the inner (as well as the outer) work. If we neglect the internal work, you'll likely struggle to make peace with your body regardless of how much we change on the outside.

Habit change

We use behavioural science to help you to make your new, healthier habits, so automatic that they feel like second nature (so you don't have to grit through will-power forever).

Hundreds of clients are already enjoying a fresh start


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Receive your session link via email

Your first session is free. If you feel we're a good fit, we can talk paid options from there. Prices range from $30 - $99 p/w, depending on your needs.

Attend your session via Zoom

Exactly the same as an 'in office' session (without the commute, traffic, or parking).

Try it (cost and obligation free)